Repel Boarders Starboard – 038

Glancing up at the sensors, you see two gunboats closing with their shields raised. A quick system scan identifies weapons lock-on. Over the communications panel, a figure appears and cryptically asks: “Who is our Lord?”

If you wish to respond, decide what you will say and go to (025). Otherwise, sensing imminent disaster, you sound general quarters. Your crew runs to their battle stations, shields go up and weapons energize. The gunboats will destroy all but your operations section, whereupon they will board, seizing the ship and killing the survivors.

If you board a gunboat and search it, on passing 3/IQ against Systems Tech, you are able to download a lightly-encrypted operational order message (BATTLEPLAN). Otherwise, return to (037).

Crew (for each gunboat):

Repel Boarders Starboard Copyright © 2011 Dark City Games