Story by Jerry Meyer Jr.
Copyright © 2012 Dark City Games
The adventure comprises a series of numbered entries. Do not read the entries sequentially, they are intentionally scrambled. As you play, you will be directed to the different numbered entries.
While reading an entry, you will find options directly followed by numbers in parentheses. If you decide to take an option, turn immediately to the corresponding entry number. Continue playing from that point.
Occasionally, an upper case word in parentheses follows a sentence or phrase. This indicates that you have now acquired this plot word. Retain all plot words until specifically instructed to discard them. Plot words have an impact on your fate.
Letters correspond to locations on the game board. For example, you may read: “You are at A in a Type III room.” Find the Type III room on the game board and place your characters on “A.” If all A hexes are full, place your characters immediately adjacent.
Characters hiding in the space immediately behind cover are 4/DX to hit rather than 3/DX.
Players start with four 32-point characters, each with four skill points, two of which can be combat skills. Each character begins with two weapons, or a weapon and a shield, and armor up to leather. Additionally, each character begins with 10 silvers (s), which equate to 10 days of skilled labor.
If you select the attack option, you have initiative. If you select the talk option, decide what to say before continuing. Unless otherwise stated, adversaries fight to the death. Dead adversaries do not rejuvenate upon subsequent visits. Only after all adversaries are defeated can you loot bodies, search or depart through a different entrance than the one used to enter.
When the party is asked to pass a check at an encounter, the party elects one character. That character has one chance to pass the check, or he fails and the party suffers the consequences.
A party may leave companions behind, but upon returning to that entry, roll one die. On a one or two, the companion is still there in the same condition as before. Otherwise the companion is gone, never to be heard from again.
Money is denominated into copper pieces (c), silver pieces (s), gold pieces (g) and occasionally, Gold Royals (r). There are 10c to a 1s, 10s to a 1g, and 20g to 1r, which is more of a bar than a coin.
The entire adventure takes place over the course of a single day.
Go to 001 and begin.
Orcs of the High Mountains Copyright © 2012 Dark City Games