Orcs of the High Mountains – 040

The heroes return to Leaf’s Hill with Graentel in tow. She runs to her family, who weep with joy. Hugs and kisses are exchanged, and the heroes find themselves hugged if they stand too close. After this emotional reunion, uncle Salmanno turns to the heroes and hands them a small pouch containing 30s.

For the rest of the week, the characters are treated like the heroes that they are. As word of the defeat of the Orc raiders spreads through town, the heroes are given free food and lodging, and every night they are toasted at the inn. Each character is given a shirt and trousers of fine cotton fabric, and each receives a leather rain cloak as well. After a week of rest and relaxation, the heroes finally decide it is time to leave (END).

Orcs of the High Mountains Copyright © 2012 Dark City Games