You are on a stone platform in a large, underground chamber. There are only a few lit oil pots directly to either side of the door, but even with that feeble illumination, you can see that the cavern is huge. It stretches out for well over a hundred feet to the north, well beyond the light given off from the pots. The majority of the chamber is filled with water, and only a small, 20’ x 15’ stone platform extends out into the lake from the entryway. In the distance, water can be heard slowly dripping from the ceiling into the enormous underground lake. Several large ripples can be seen, indicating movement out about 10 feet from the platform. The water is unfathomably deep, and you would never be able to swim to the far side of the lake, if it exists. The only other fixture here is a large gong.
You can search the platform (004), look over the edge of the platform (027), ring the gong (036), or exit back up the tunnel (002).
Orcs of the High Mountains Copyright © 2012 Dark City Games