Orcs of the High Mountains – 019

The entryway opens into a well-furnished cave. Candles and lanterns light the room, and old furs cover the floor. Clothing, backpacks, and other gear are strewn against the walls, and a long chain connects a frightened looking girl to the north wall. A bed rests against the east wall, and a table with 3 mismatched chairs dominates the center of the room, occupied by three figures. As you enter, a rough-looking elf rises from his chair, motioning to the other seated figures to do likewise. He smiles and offers you 100s, and your lives, to leave now and forget about the girl and the Orc bandits.

You can take his offer (032), exit to the west (024) or attack (035).

Orcs of the High Mountains Copyright © 2012 Dark City Games