The Sorcerer’s Manor – 044

All work, no reward...why were you doing this again? You scout several of the locations Moffitt gives you, but they have all so far turned up empty or non-existent. Maybe the map was a decoy, or perhaps a plan of what is to be rather than what is. Or maybe it marks time-lost locations?

You look at the last spot he gave you, an old municipal building. For the last century or so it has been deserted and used as a refuge by the homeless. You are somewhat surprised to find a hollow space behind a crumbled wall. You see a sinuous rune, nearly faded by time, on the panel facing you. You push it open, and foul air wafts up from descending stairs.

You may continue (036) or leave (049).

The Sorcerer’s Manor Copyright © 2011 Dark City Games