The Sorcerer’s Manor – 040

At one time, this was used as a kitchen. Old utensils still hang above splintered counters. As your eyes adjust to the new gloom, you see sinuous movement. “Hu-manssss,” a voice hisses from the dark. “Alwayss curiouss. Makess you vulnerable, for our return. Praisse be to Set.” Two serpent-men rise and quickly slither toward you!

You are at D on the room board; the serpent-men are at B. A is north; the circles are impassable columns. If you survive, you may search 3/IQ ~(027) or leave to the west (020). If you have the plot word MYSEERE, go to (032).

• Serpent-men (2): ST10 DX11 IQ11; Bow 1D, or Cutlass 2D6-2; Hide 1/0, Small Shield 1/0.

Arena Map

The Sorcerer’s Manor Copyright © 2011 Dark City Games