“That is indeed her likeness,” Honest Alzander says through his gap-toothed grin. “And I heard of who it was that took her. Maybe even where she is—an old church, converted to a warehouse.” 20S later you have purchased a map from him of the late Gothic period of Redpoint’s architectural history. With Alzander’s commentary, you pinpoint several possibilities.
That night you get to work, and the first one you investigate, belonging to the Drake shipping family, is empty. Save for a single prisoner. As you approach the bound woman, there is movement in the darkness about you.
You are within three hexes of X on the room board; two Dwargs are at A and two cultists are at C. A is north. If you survive, you have rescued fair Saelia! You return her to her father — who is now under house arrest, being held for ransom. Nonetheless, he gives you 500S, and she gives you a kiss (049).
• Sewer-dwarves (Dwargs) (2): ST11 DX12(9) IQ8; Axe D6+2; Chainmail 3/3, Small Shield 1/0.
• Cultists (2): ST12 DX12(10) IQ8; Broad Sword 2D6; Cloth 1/1, Large Shield 2/1.
The Sorcerer’s Manor Copyright © 2011 Dark City Games