The Sorcerer’s Manor – 013

You have shown the small, strange idol to several sages, but none are able to ascertain anything about its origins. On a tip, you visit a wise woman among the Shod, a local human ethnic group that still maintains a sense of identity. She is cold and uninterested until you display the idol.

“By Thanatos’ grim scythe! That is a representation of Bosk, an ancient hero.” She touches it with trembling fingers. “So much of what we were as a people is gone, first through enslavement and then assimilation.” A few tears run down her age-seamed face.

“Obviously, we are poor and I cannot pay you for this. But I will instead give you a half-dozen vials of Mashu (a concoction made by the Shod, healing 3 hits per vial), and I will sing your praises to our people.”

You may accept or decline (049).

The Sorcerer’s Manor Copyright © 2011 Dark City Games